Integrated consulting and support for business

AAG is a group of consulting companies and entities operating in the area of compliance, providing comprehensive expert support for business – including firms involved in international trade.

Specialisation of AAG Group entities covers integrated tax, customs, legal and classification consulting. We also provide accounting and bookkeeping services as well as representation services – with respect to tax and strictly customs area. Scope of our activity covers as well a wide range of business training courses.

Practice of AAG Group entities is based on many years of experience of outstanding experts, lawyers, tax advisors, accountants, customs brokers and trainers. This gives us the ability to offer a comprehensive range of services for business – performed at the highest level.

ATNEO is a specialized consulting company which provides integrated customs, tax and legal advisory services.
ATNEO’s team consists of recognized experts – tax advisors, attorneys and specialists with extensive experience in supporting businesses of various industries, including the largest entities in Poland, Europe, and operating worldwide.

The high quality of ATNEO’s consulting services finds confirmation in rankings – in particular in the prestigious World Tax ranking (International Tax Review) identifying the best tax consulting companies in the world – where in 2020 and 2021 ATNEO was awarded with the highest positions among consulting companies in Poland.

CENTER FOR CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS AND SERVICES is an expert entity which offers support in determining, verifying, and confirming the correct classification of the goods and services – for tax, customs, statistical and other purposes.

The Center’s team consists of top-class experts in classification, who gathered their extensive experience by providing support in variety of classification cases and disputes, assistance in implementation of the Combined Nomenclature (CN) in Poland, organization of the EU INTRASTAT and EXTRASTAT systems, preparing changes in the Polish Classification of Goods and Services as well as tax regulations, or participation in the works of EUROSTAT, The World Customs Organization (WCO) and European Commission Committees dealing with classification.

TAXENO is a group of expert accounting offices providing: comprehensive accounting, bookkeeping and payroll services, INTRASTAT handling as well as tax representative services for companies and institutions from various sectors.

TAXENO team consists of highly-qualified accountants, tax advisors and lawyers – with an aim to provide top of the line services guaranteeing safety to TAXENO clients.

NeoCustoms provides specialized ongoing support and customs representation services, particularly for entities using the most advanced customs solutions and procedures.

NeoCustoms’ offer also includes acting as an outsourced customs team for entities involved in trade with third countries, coordination of processes related to the ongoing fulfilment of customs formalities and obligations (including maintenance of customs records for selected procedures), support in applying for customs authorisations and representation before customs bodies.

NeoAkademia is an expert training company offering a wide range of business training courses focused particularly on taxes, customs and legal issues.

NeoAkademia aims to provide its clients with a comprehensive offer of trainings conducted with the use of modern solutions by the best and most experienced specialists in particular fields.

Thanks to cooperation with recognized and valued experts, NeoAkademia’s trainings are distinguished by high proficiency and reflect the most actual changes in current regulations.
NeoAkademia’s offer covers also the development of soft skills such as creativity, emotional intelligence, transparency in business relations.